Wednesday, April 25, 2007

PPW Conference

The Pikes Peak Writers Conference was fabulous. It's incredibly motivating to hear powerhouse authors like Jim Butcher (Dresden Files) and Robert Crais (The Watchman, among others) talk about their struggle to get where they are, their failures and successes, their rejection letters! I came home feeling like a writer. In fact, I've been plowing through revisions the last two days and finally have a semi-final draft of my new middle grade novel done and ready to go to my great critique group (a topic for another post).

During the awards ceremony, I sat with Mary Jo Putney which was truly an honor. She and her husband are both delightful. I walked away with my 2nd place award and an autographed copy of her new book, The Marriage Spell. What a magical night!

There were so many inspiring and informational workshops, it'd be impossible to name them all. Every writer should treat themselves to conferences such as these. They feed the soul and keep you going between rejection letters -- on your way to the first book offer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're doing a great job with your blog! And I totally agree with you about PPWC. I think there were a lot of positive vibes this year.

Good luck as you prepare your novel to send off to editors and agents.
